Throughout history, beauty rituals and traditions passed down from generation to generation have had an influence on the extraordinary mother-daughter/son connection.

Like mother, like daughter. Like mother, like son. For many of us, it's a phrase that holds true in a number of ways, especially within the realm of beauty. Sure, inherited traits, with no doubt play their part; afterall, nature has a major part in the 'beauty' and skin equation, but nurture is just as much of a driving force.

While genetics play a large role, they do not exclusively determine your skin condition.. Our bodies house between 20,000 to 25,000 different genes, which characterise just about all of our traits, including skin behaviour. Genetics can be responsible for our skin type (our skin’s overall characteristics or tendencies: dry, normal, sensitive, combination or oily), our skin tone (genetic heritage of our skin makeup), our inherited susceptibility to various skin conditions, and, to some extent, how we age. But all of these genetic or ‘nature’ factors are dependent on how our genes function, i.e. ‘nurture’. When our genes function the way they’re supposed to, they regulate skin cell production - sending signals to the body to regenerate skin cells. Genes influence everything from the ability of the skin to repair and rebuild itself following injury, to it’s irritation and inflammation response. Interestingly, research has found a link in which, individuals who have amazing skin also maintain healthy lifestyle habits.

So what does this all mean? 

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