Collagen, collagen, collagen! We keep seeing this word splashed just about everywhere - whether to consume, put on our face, or just be mindful of. The pursuit for the ultimate and optimum collagen (beauty) boost is real! Ranging to everything from injections to supplements, powders, creams, and special elixirs. It’s an endless parade of products and practitioners promising the latest and greatest breakthrough of this must-have substance!

So, What Exactly Is Collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It is found in your skin, muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, organs, blood vessels, intestinal lining, and other connective tissues, and it is absolutely, without a doubt, vital for your skin’s firmness and elasticity! Meaning..  it keeps your skin looking and feeling supple, firm, and youthful! Your body is continually producing and recycling collagen. When you’re young, production is at its peak. After approximately 40 years collagen begins to degrade faster than it synthesises. So as important as boosting collagen is, don’t forget to pay close attention to protecting what you’ve got.

And while everyone seems to rave about the miracle of bone broth, according to experts, bone broth and other sources of collagen do not always translate directly into new collagen in the body. This is because when you consume these nutrients, your body breaks down the protein into amino acids and puts it to work where needed first. And while bone broth does contain beneficial vitamins and enzymes, these can also get denatured from heat during cooking, reducing their benefit. With this in mind, supplements may be a better option. A potentially, even better solution is to eat a diet that is healthy, balanced and rich in leafy green vegetables.

Plants offer richer sources in collagen building blocks and, in addition, provide nutrients that are not found in sufficient quantities in meats or broth. It is important to note that protein isn’t the only fundamental thing. The synthesis of collagen involves the combining of two amino acids—glycine and proline—in a process that requires Vitamin C, so getting plenty of Vitamin C in your diet is essential. It’s not just good for your immune system, to help ward off colds and flus, it’s also great for your skin and its building blocks!! 


What About Beauty Products?

When it comes to topical ingredients (in your skincare), make sure to look and opt for products formulated with active ingredients, high-quality antioxidants and cell regulators. Antioxidants like vitamins, polyphenols, and flavonoids, fight collagen degradation by reducing the concentration of free radicals in the skin. Cell regulators and peptides act directly on the collagen metabolism and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin fibres.  And please don’t forget to use sunscreen to block or reduce skin exposure to harmful UV radiation - even in winter months!!


And Treatments?

Micro-needling can give a boost to collagen production by initiating a micro-injury, which stimulates repair by collagen expression. The process is enhanced by applying antioxidants and cell-regulators prior to rolling. Similarly, peels can encourage this kind of dermal repair to help increase collagen in the skin. 

What’s important to take note of is that there is never any ‘miracle solution’! The best way to boost collagen is to understand the mechanisms of topical skincare ingredients and diet and use them to your advantage :)


Educate Yourself & Empower Your Skin.

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